From the Pecos Valley Newsroom

Advocates Hold “End Sacrifice Zones” Actions And Letter Delivery At Bureau Of Land Management Offices Across The State

Starting this week, an intersectional coalition of climate and environmental justice advocates, Indigenous and faith leaders, business owners, and local environmental organizations will hold a week of planned actions at Bureau of Land Management (BLM) New Mexico field offices in Carlsbad, Las Cruces, and Albuquerque to deliver a letter signed by nearly 200 local and national groups, businesses, unions, and institutions calling on the agency to cancel its plans to sell-off over 10,000 acres of public and ancestral lands to the oil and gas industry. Denouncing the Biden administration’s inaction to phase out fossil fuels and act on the climate crisis, these actions will culminate in a larger rally at the BLM New Mexico State office in Santa Fe on May 25, the day of BLM’s planned oil and gas lease sale.

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