From the Pecos Valley Newsroom

Roswell City Council Forges International Bond With Kozienice, Poland, Leaders

In a remarkable display of cross-cultural partnership, three Roswell city
councilors and the mayor are set to embark on a journey to Kozienice, Poland, solidifying a
special connection through the signing of a “Sister City” resolution that was voted on in the
March meeting of the Roswell City Council. They will leave for Poland Aug. 21.
The delegation, composed of Mayor Tim Jennings, Councilor Edward Heldenbrand, Councilor
Cristina Arnold and Councilor Juliana Halvorson, is taking a proactive stance by self-funding the
travel expenses for this momentous occasion. By personally investing in this venture, the
councilors are demonstrating their genuine commitment to strengthening bonds and
exchanging insights with their counterparts in Kozienice.
The “Sister City” resolution signing, scheduled to take place in the historical city of Kozienice,
represents a significant milestone in promoting cultural exchange, economic collaboration and
educational cooperation between Roswell and Kozienice. This endeavor underscores the shared
values and aspirations that transcend geographical boundaries.
Roswell Mayor Jennings expressed enthusiasm about this endeavor, stating, “Our journey to
Kozienice represents an opportunity to create enduring connections that will benefit both cities
for years to come. By covering our own expenses, we are demonstrating responsible
stewardship of taxpayer funds while engaging in a meaningful exchange that goes beyond
financial considerations.”
The Roswell city councilors eagerly anticipate the signing of the “Sister City” resolution in
Kozienice and the subsequent collaborative projects that will emerge from this meaningful
partnership. Through this self-funded journey, they are setting an inspiring example for
responsible engagement in global relationships while upholding the values of transparency,
accountability and international cooperation.

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