Street maintenance and improvements are scheduled to take place on South Washington Avenue between West McGaffey Street and Alameda Street from Thursday, Sept. 23, through Friday, Oct. 1. A contractor will be removing pavement from the surface and replacing it with fresh pavement and restriping the finished road.
The work is planned between McGaffey Street and the Hondo River bridge (south of Summit Street) Thursday through Monday, Sept. 23-27. The project will be in the section between the Hondo River bridge and Alameda Street Monday through Friday, Sept. 27-Oct. 1. Work will also be done on concrete “collars” for sewer manholes and water valves throughout the week, Sept. 27-Oct. 1.
Washington Avenue will be fully closed in the work area during each phase of the milling and paving work. There will be various lane closures during the concrete and striping