Roswell Offers Surplus Property In Online Auction

Vehicles and other surplus City of Roswell property are part of an online auction in which local residents and others can bid to purchase the items. Among the other items are various pieces of furniture that were bequeathed to the Roswell Public Library from the estate of John Ray Green. The items will benefit the … Read more

Virtual Public Forum To Focus On Roswell Public Safety

The various aspects of maintaining public safety in Roswell will be the focus of this month’s City of Roswell virtual public forum. The forum on Thursday, July 15, at 5:30 p.m. is the sixth forum in a series of 10 virtual public forums for 2021, which take place on the third Thursday of each month … Read more

Suspect In Roswell Homicide Case Arrested

An update to a Roswell homicide case. A statement from RPD says Robert Avila, 25, was arrested Friday (July 9) around 1:30 a.m. while at the Roswell Police Department, where he had been in investigative custody since early Thursday afternoon in connection with this case. Avila has been charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping, battery against … Read more

4th of July Holiday Closures In Roswell

With the Fourth of July being on a Sunday this year, the City of Roswell will recognize the holiday by closing city administration offices and certain other city facilities the next day, Monday, July 5. However, certain recreation-related city facilities will remain open that Monday. Meanwhile, some city services will have an adjusted schedule that … Read more

Water Main Work In Roswell

A reminder that work continues to replace a city water main in Roswell on West Albuquerque Street between South Main and South Richardson. The project is expected to take a couple of weeks and work will be done on weekdays. During the day, while the crew is working, the eastbound lane of West Albuquerque will … Read more

Roswell Fire Talks Fireworks Safety

If you will be using personal fireworks to celebrate the Fourth of July, RFD asks you to keep the following safety precautions in mind. Also, be aware of what types of fireworks are legal in Roswell and what ones are not. Take Necessary Precautions — Do not wear loose clothing while using fireworks. — Never … Read more

Hot Vehicles Quickly Create Danger To Children

With temperatures regularly soaring into the 90s and triple digits in Roswell and other areas of southeast New Mexico, it is critically important for everyone to be well aware of the danger hot vehicles pose to young children who may be unable to get out of a vehicle themselves. Parents and other child caregivers must … Read more

Economists Detail Recovery Of NM Oil Production

Legislative analysts say New Mexico is the only top oil-producing state to have recovered to pre-pandemic levels of production, but they warned Wednesday that the market remains volatile. Staff members with the Legislative Finance Committee suggested that the panel of lawmakers take care not to grow the state’s budget based on current forecasts that suggest … Read more